Repairing your credit history after a setback can feel overwhelming. Unfortunately, that’s why some credit repair companies use confusing and misleading messaging to target anxious consumers who are just trying to get their financial lives back on track.
Over the past several months, more than half of people who submitted complaints with the CFPB about credit repair chose the issue “fraud or scam” to describe their complaints.
Many people don’t know the full set of protections they have or understand the laws that govern credit repair companies. These companies must follow numerous federal laws, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act and often the Telemarketing Sales Rule, both of which forbid credit repair organizations from using deceptive practices and from accepting up-front fees.
If you see advertisements or receive offers to fix your credit, look out for these example red flags:
Don’t pay a company upfront. According to the Telemarketing Sales Rule, it’s illegal for a telemarketing or sales company to charge you for credit repair services unless it has been six months since the company achieved the promised results and the company has proven to you that it achieved those results.*
Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, you have a legal right to dispute credit history errors yourself for free. You don’t have to pay a credit repair company to do it for you. The first step is to get your free annual credit report
from one or more of the three nationwide credit-reporting companies to identify any errors. Check out our information on how to correct inaccuracies on your credit reports, including sample dispute letters and contact information for each of the three nationwide credit-reporting companies. You can also go online to any of the credit reporting companies’ websites and dispute errors.
If you think you might be the victim of a credit repair scam, or if you’ve had other issues with a credit repair company, you can submit a complaint to the CFPB. If you have more questions about credit reports and scores, check out Ask CFPB, our online database of frequently asked financial questions and answers.
*Updated July 30, 2019. An earlier version of this material contained additional information applicable only to debt relief services.