Bachelor of Science in Computer Science - Thread: Information Internetworks & Intelligence

Pass-fail only allowed for Free Electives (max six credit hours) and CS 1100 .

Minimum grade of C required.

Two of three labs MUST be a sequence.

Junior Design Options are as follows (students must pick one option and may not change):

Six credits of the Junior Design option are used as Major Requirements and the overage credits of research/VIP (5 credit hours/2 credit hours) may be used as free electives. Students completing VIP for their junior design requirement will be required to complete at least three semesters of VIP. (VIP 1 + VIP 2 + VIP 3) (for a total of 5 credit hours) + LMC 3403 = 8 hours of VIP credit.

Students using CREATE-X for junior design take at least 6 hours of CREATE-X Start-ip Lab and Idea 2 Prototype (I2P) and 3 of the 6 hours must be I2P. Students take these 6 hours with LMC 3403 (3 hours) for a total of 9 hours. Extra three hours for CREATE-X option can be used in free electives.

Two credit hours of MATH 1554 may count along with MATH 2550 to give Field of Study 18 credit hours.