Futures studies, or long-range perspective studies, are an indispensable source of help for sound planning and decision making in today's chaotic, complex and rapidly changing world. The accelerating pace of change, together with a multitude of accompanying uncertainties, make it all the more important to expand our time perspectives so as to include the future, ie. to futurize our thinking. This can generally be done through utilizing a variety of futures studies methods. Such methods can be either qualitative, .
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Urban and regional planning is a sector related by definition to the future dimension. Territorial actions are intended to shape the environment and usually have wider and more long-term effects than planned or expected. Planning decisions are taken in order to improve and transform places by changing their structures, aspects, and meanings. In turn those changes are destined to shape the way we relate to places in the future, thereby influencing our feelings, our activities, our ways of behaving and our ways of being in space. New planning debates on sustainability require new ways of thinking about the future, and call planners, decision makers and governments for producing a deeper and more explicit knowledge of existing relations between present and future actions. The responsibilities that link us to future generations implicate future thinking to be dealt in more mature, sensible and reliable ways. Sustainability principles require planners to think to scenarios of alternative.
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Futures research quarterly