If you live in Rhode Island and you have an approved health condition you are eligible to apply for a Rhode Island Medical Marijuna Card.
Once you have determined your eligability, you must print off the State Form and make an appointment with your primary care doctor. It is important while having this conversation with your doctor to be honest about your health situation. Take the time to explain why you believe medical marijuana treatment will benefit you.
Once you have your doctors reccomendation you must complete your application as well as provide “Proof of Residency” by making a copy of your Valid RI Drivers License. Along with your application and proof of residency you must send a check for $50 with your application.
You are now approved for your new Rhode Island Medical Marijuana Card! You will now be required to verify your address and take your photo at the RI Center for Professional Licensing. Make sure to bring your valid drivers license to complete this step.
Great News! You are now fully qualified to come into Greenleaf. Stop by our store and our staff will speak with you about our numerous products and how they can help you. Once you have stopped by the store your first time you will be able to shop online for pickup.
Obtaining or renewing your medical marijuana card is quick and painless. Telemedicine is also federally accepted and has made this process even easier if you cannot leave your home! Below you will find three main resources to obtain and/or maintain safe access to your medicinal cannabis needs from the finest dispensary in New England! Rhode Island supports reciprocity, so we accept out of state cards. Many people carry dual residences and have a medical card different from their license. That is okay! We accept you, too! You may find a general google search for Qualifying Medical Marijuana Physicians and Cards will give you the widest variety of acceptable options for you personal needs.
For those who do not want to apply online, call (617) 660-5370 to request a hard copy of the registration form to be filled out and returned to the state along with a check for $50 and copies of all pertinent documents. Please allow up to 4 weeks for processing.
** If you do not have a General Practitioner, you may find a Rhode Island, Massachusetts, or other licensed doctor through the following website. Enter your zip code and desired radius.