Free Graphic Design Retainer Contract Template

Free Graphic Design Retainer Contract Template

You’ve probably heard of a retainer used for lawyers when a company wants a lawyer to be “on-call” whenever they need them.

What you might not know is that graphic designers can also work under a retainer!

If you’re someone considering this work situation, you might want to read on, because we’ve laid out everything you need to know about creating a retainer contract as a freelance graphic designer below.

What is a Graphic Design Retainer Contract?

There are several ways that a retainer contract can work.

One of the most common is through an hour commitment each week. This means you agree that for, say 20 hours per week, you are available to your client and their projects.

You could also base your retainer on a set number of tasks. For instance, you could commit to two newsletter designs each week.

The main throughline in these contracts is that you get paid no matter what. Each week or month your client pays you a set amount, and in return, you complete the agreed-upon work. Generally, this is a long-term agreement.

Occasionally, a company may have a designer on retainer in a consultant role. For a smaller fee, you remain “on-call” for the company during certain hours, and drop everything to help if they need you.

Benefits of Working on Retainers

For the Client

Having a designer on retainer is useful when a company has repetitive design work.

They know the work will get done promptly, and to a standard they’re happy with because they have an established relationship with the designer.

It also means they have a set monthly cost, rather than variable design rates that normally follow freelance hiring.

Having an ongoing relationship also means the client doesn't have to scout, interview, and recruit new designers for every project.

For the Designer

Any freelance job can have variable income, making it hard to budget month-to-month. Being on a retainer means you have a set income each month.

It also tends to be less stressful, since it removes the need to constantly seek out and market to new clients.

Your established relationship with the client also means you can enjoy working with them more, without worrying about learning their preferences and methods.

Services Offered in Graphic Design Retainers

In reality, a graphic design retainer can involve any type of work — it depends on the client’s needs.

Mainly, it includes recurring design tasks like website maintenance, newsletters, or regular advertising campaigns. A company likes knowing these regular jobs will be completed correctly and on time.

A client may also pay you to be on-call for any emergencies you can help solve. This could be by providing short-notice design work, advice, or consultancy for their in-house designers.

What to Include in a Graphic Designer Retainer Contract

Project Background

This includes the details of the project, including its expected runtime and scope.

It should outline the types of deliverables you’ll create, and when they’re expected by the client. Generally, this section ensures that you are both on the same page about what the project involves.

Project Scope Statement

This is a more in-depth breakdown of the exact details of the work you’ll perform.

It should include exactly what work you’ll do, and what work you won’t. Your client should have no confusion or ambiguity about what they’re paying you for.

Include the number of hours you’ll work, on what days, and for how long total, and explain what aspects you aren’t responsible for — like printing.

You should also identify what happens if a company doesn’t use up all of the allotted tasks or hours in a week.

In some retainers, nothing will occur, the hours or tasks are simply lost and you’re paid the same amount as normal. In others, the client may get a discount, or be able to roll the hours into the next week.

Project Payment Schedule

This should lay out your preferred method of payment, and your payment details (such as your bank number).

Include how much the retainer fee is and when it is expected to be paid.

You should also mention any extra fees that may be incurred. For instance, if you have to go over the agreed hours, you might charge an hourly fee. You might also charge interest if a monthly retainer payment is late by a certain amount.


This explains that you won’t disclose any trade secrets, customer information, or other confidential information the company gives you for your design work.

A client will feel more comfortable knowing that you will keep their important information to yourself, so it’s good to get it in writing.


The contract should have a set end date.

Even if you intend to continue working for the client for longer, having an end date allows you to renegotiate your rates and reevaluate your schedule.

You should also explain under which circumstances the contract will be automatically voided — such as if the client doesn’t pay for an extended period, or you don’t deliver the required work.

Explain the process for renewal if the contract reaches its end, but the client would like to continue the relationship.

Alterations to Scope

Lay out a process for adding more scope to the project if needed.

This should explain how much extra you’ll charge for each additional task or hour, and how the client can request this from you.

You may also want to include a way for the client to permanently or temporarily decrease the amount of work you’re performing if the project becomes smaller in scope.

Intellectual Property

This section assures your client that you’ll never use copyrighted, third-party material in your work for them that could cause legal issues down the road.

It will also explain that any third-party work used will be with the permission of the client, and with proper authorizations from the creator. This is important when using things such as fonts or photographs that aren’t made entirely by you.

Ownership of Prepared Information

This section addresses who owns the material created during your project.

Typically, this ownership passes fully to the client once payment is received by the designer. However, you may want to include a clause that you can still use it for your portfolio as long as it doesn’t include confidential material.

this image shows the ownership and licenses section of Bonsai's graphic design retainer contract

Indemnification, Limited Liability and Service Warranty

This is a general protective clause for both the designer and the client.

It explains that the graphic designer won’t cause harm, loss, or damage to the company through their access to information and materials.

It also protects both you and the client from incidental losses or damages.


This section assures the client you will perform all the assigned work, rather than hiring someone else to do it. Your client has signed the contract for you and your work.

How to Write a Graphic Designer Retainer Contract

1. Find Out Exactly What Your Client Wants

Before writing anything into a proper contract you should have one (or ideally, several) long conversations with your client about what you both need and want from your working relationship.

Run through all parts of the contract and figure out how you both want to work and what compromises need to be made. No part of the contract should be a surprise to your client when they finally see it.

They may have an established retainer agreement, which gives you a jumping-off point, or they may have never signed one before.

During these discussions, make sure to reinforce how useful you are to the company, and how much they’re already spending on you regularly.

2. Highlight What Sets You Apart

Make sure to highlight what makes you special, and what you will, and have already, provided to the company.

At this point, they’re mostly there, but you should reinforce what you can give them to make the process of signing the contract go smoothly.

Focus on your skills, experience, and amazing portfolio. Illustrate how these make you a great fit for this project. Remain polite, friendly, and passionate.

3. Include a CTA

Make sure to keep the client moving by including a Call to Action (CTA).

When you send the contract, tell them how to proceed to the next step. This usually means signing the contract and sending it back to you promptly.

You may have to politely nudge them if things start grinding to a halt.

this image shows where the client and designer sign the retainer contract to begin working on the project

Creating a graphic design retainer contract template is simple with Bonsai

Creating a graphic design retainer contract may seem overwhelming—but it doesn’t have to be. The team at Bonsai has created detailed design retainer templates that can be easily customized as per your need. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Sign up for free to Bonsai
  2. Find the ideal design retainer contract template
  3. Edit and customize your contract

Then, send the contract to your client for acceptance and signature—without ever leaving the platform

Frequently Asked Questions Questions about this template.

Why should you use a retainer agreement as a graphic designer?

It helps provide stability since you know you’ll get a set fee each month. It also lets you build a long-term relationship with clients you like, so you know their preferences and how they prefer to work with you.

How much should I charge for a graphic design retainer contract?

This varies hugely based on the project, your experience, and the client’s needs. Usually, a freelance designer in the USA will charge between $700 and $3000 per month for a retainer. There may also be extra fees for tasks like social media design and overtime hours.

Under a one-time contract, a designer and client agree on a set amount of work to be completed within a certain time frame. This will cost a flat rate. A retainer means the client pays a monthly fee to the designer for a set amount of work each week.

Under a one-time contract, a designer and client agree on a set amount of work to be completed within a certain time frame. This will cost a flat rate. A retainer means the client pays a monthly fee to the designer for a set amount of work each week.

How does a retainer work for a graphic designer?

A client will pay the designer a set fee each month in exchange for a certain amount of work each week. For instance, they might pay $3000 for 20 hours per week of design work. The details are dependent on the specific client, designer, and project.

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Free Graphic Design Retainer Contract Template

Graphic Design Retainer Contract

Graphic Designer First Name First Name Corporation Corp.

This Contract is between Sample Client (the "Client") and Company, a California limited liability company (the "Graphic Designer").

The Contract is dated [the date both parties sign].


1.1 Project. The Client is hiring the Graphic Designer to do the following: Create visual elements and illustrations for client

1.2 Schedule. The Graphic Designer will begin work on June 21, 2023 and the work is ongoing. This Contract can be ended by either Client or Graphic Designer at any time, pursuant to the terms of Section 6, Term and Termination.

1.3 Payment. The Client will pay the Graphic Designer a rate of $3,500.00 (USD) per month. Of this, the Client will pay the Graphic Designer $3,500.00 (USD) before work begins.

1.4 Expenses. The Client will reimburse the Graphic Designer's expenses. Expenses do not need to be pre-approved by the Client.

1.5 Invoices. The Graphic Designer will invoice the Client monthly. The Client agrees to pay the amount owed within 15 days of receiving the invoice. Payment after that date will incur a late fee of 0.0% per month on the outstanding amount.

1.6 Support. The Graphic Designer will not provide support for any deliverable once the Client accepts it, unless otherwise agreed in writing.


2.1 Client Owns All Work Product. As part of this job, the Graphic Designer is creating “work product” for the Client. To avoid confusion, work product is the finished product, as well as drafts, notes, materials, mockups, hardware, designs, inventions, patents, code, and anything else that the Graphic Designer works on—that is, conceives, creates, designs, develops, invents, works on, or reduces to practice—as part of this project, whether before the date of this Contract or after. The Graphic Designer hereby gives the Client this work product once the Client pays for it in full. This means the Graphic Designer is giving the Client all of its rights, titles, and interests in and to the work product (including intellectual property rights), and the Client will be the sole owner of it. The Client can use the work product however it wants or it can decide not to use the work product at all. The Client, for example, can modify, destroy, or sell it, as it sees fit.

2.2 Graphic Designer's Use Of Work Product. Once the Graphic Designer gives the work product to the Client, the Graphic Designer does not have any rights to it, except those that the Client explicitly gives the Graphic Designer here. The Client gives permission to use the work product as part of portfolios and websites, in galleries, and in other media, so long as it is to showcase the work and not for any other purpose. The Client does not give permission to sell or otherwise use the work product to make money or for any other commercial use. The Client is not allowed to take back this license, even after the Contract ends.

2.3 Graphic Designer's Help Securing Ownership. In the future, the Client may need the Graphic Designer's help to show that the Client owns the work product or to complete the transfer. The Graphic Designer agrees to help with that. For example, the Graphic Designer may have to sign a patent application. The Client will pay any required expenses for this. If the Client can’t find the Graphic Designer, the Graphic Designer agrees that the Client can act on the Graphic Designer's behalf to accomplish the same thing. The following language gives the Client that right: if the Client can’t find the Graphic Designer after spending reasonable effort trying to do so, the Graphic Designer hereby irrevocably designates and appoints the Client as the Graphic Designer's agent and attorney-in-fact, which appointment is coupled with an interest, to act for the Graphic Designer and on the Graphic Designer's behalf to execute, verify, and file the required documents and to take any other legal action to accomplish the purposes of paragraph 2.1 (Client Owns All Work Product).

2.4 Graphic Designer's IP That Is Not Work Product. During the course of this project, the Graphic Designer might use intellectual property that the Graphic Designer owns or has licensed from a third party, but that does not qualify as “work product.” This is called “background IP.” Possible examples of background IP are pre-existing code, type fonts, properly-licensed stock photos, and web application tools. The Graphic Designer is not giving the Client this background IP. But, as part of the Contract, the Graphic Designer is giving the Client a right to use and license (with the right to sublicense) the background IP to develop, market, sell, and support the Client’s products and services. The Client may use this background IP worldwide and free of charge, but it cannot transfer its rights to the background IP (except as allowed in Section 11.1 (Assignment)). The Client cannot sell or license the background IP separately from its products or services. The Graphic Designer cannot take back this grant, and this grant does not end when the Contract is over.

2.5 Graphic Designer's Right To Use Client IP. The Graphic Designer may need to use the Client’s intellectual property to do its job. For example, if the Client is hiring the Graphic Designer to build a website, the Graphic Designer may have to use the Client’s logo. The Client agrees to let the Graphic Designer use the Client’s intellectual property and other intellectual property that the Client controls to the extent reasonably necessary to do the Graphic Designer's job. Beyond that, the Client is not giving the Graphic Designer any intellectual property rights, unless specifically stated otherwise in this Contract.


The Graphic Designer won’t work for a competitor of the Client until this Contract ends. To avoid confusion, a competitor is any third party that develops, manufactures, promotes, sells, licenses, distributes, or provides products or services that are substantially similar to the Client’s products or services. A competitor is also a third party that plans to do any of those things. The one exception to this restriction is if the Graphic Designer asks for permission beforehand and the Client agrees to it in writing. If the Graphic Designer uses employees or subcontractors, the Graphic Designer must make sure they follow the obligations in this paragraph, as well.


Until this Contract ends, the Graphic Designer won’t: (a) encourage Client employees or service providers to stop working for the Client; (b) encourage Client customers or clients to stop doing business with the Client; or (c) hire anyone who worked for the Client over the 12-month period before the Contract ended. The one exception is if the Graphic Designer puts out a general ad and someone who happened to work for the Client responds. In that case, the Graphic Designer may hire that candidate. The Graphic Designer promises that it won’t do anything in this paragraph on behalf of itself or a third party.


5.1 Overview. This section contains important promises between the parties.

5.2 Authority To Sign. Each party promises to the other party that it has the authority to enter into this Contract and to perform all of its obligations under this Contract.

5.3 Graphic Designer Has Right To Give Client Work Product. The Graphic Designer promises that it owns the work product, that the Graphic Designer is able to give the work product to the Client, and that no other party will claim that it owns the work product. If the Graphic Designer uses employees or subcontractors, the Graphic Designer also promises that these employees and subcontractors have signed contracts with the Graphic Designer giving the Graphic Designer any rights that the employees or subcontractors have related to the Graphic Designer's background IP and work product.

5.4 Graphic Designer Will Comply With Laws. The Graphic Designer promises that the manner it does this job, its work product, and any background IP it uses comply with applicable U.S. and foreign laws and regulations.

5.5 Work Product Does Not Infringe. The Graphic Designer promises that its work product does not and will not infringe on someone else’s intellectual property rights, that the Graphic Designer has the right to let the Client use the background IP, and that this Contract does not and will not violate any contract that the Graphic Designer has entered into or will enter into with someone else.

5.6 Client Will Review Work. The Client promises to review the work product, to be reasonably available to the Graphic Designer if the Graphic Designer has questions regarding this project, and to provide timely feedback and decisions.

5.7 Client-Supplied Material Does Not Infringe. If the Client provides the Graphic Designer with material to incorporate into the work product, the Client promises that this material does not infringe on someone else’s intellectual property rights.


This Contract is ongoing, until ended by the Client or the Graphic Designer. Either party may end this Contract for any reason by sending an email or letter to the other party, informing the recipient that the sender is ending the Contract and that the Contract will end in 7 days. The Contract officially ends once that time has passed. The party that is ending the Contract must provide notice by taking the steps explained in Section 11.4. The Graphic Designer must immediately stop working as soon as it receives this notice, unless the notice says otherwise. The Client will pay the Graphic Designer for the work done up until when the Contract ends and will reimburse the Graphic Designer for any agreed-upon, non-cancellable expenses. The following sections don’t end even after the Contract ends: 2 (Ownership and Licenses); 3 (Competitive Engagements); 4 (Non-Solicitation); 5 (Representations); 8 (Confidential Information); 9 (Limitation of Liability); 10 (Indemnity); and 11 (General).


The Client is hiring the Graphic Designer as an independent contractor. The following statements accurately reflect their relationship:


8.1 Overview. This Contract imposes special restrictions on how the Client and the Graphic Designer must handle confidential information. These obligations are explained in this section.

8.3 Third-Party Confidential Information. It’s possible the Client and the Graphic Designer each have access to confidential information that belongs to third parties. The Client and the Graphic Designer each promise that it will not share with the other party confidential information that belongs to third parties, unless it is allowed to do so. If the Client or the Graphic Designer is allowed to share confidential information with the other party and does so, the sharing party promises to tell the other party in writing of any special restrictions regarding that information.


Neither party is liable for breach-of-contract damages that the breaching party could not reasonably have foreseen when it entered this Contract.


10.1 Overview. This section transfers certain risks between the parties if a third party sues or goes after the Client or the Graphic Designer or both. For example, if the Client gets sued for something that the Graphic Designer did, then the Graphic Designer may promise to come to the Client’s defense or to reimburse the Client for any losses.

10.2 Client Indemnity. In this Contract, the Graphic Designer agrees to indemnify the Client (and its affiliates and their directors, officers, employees, and agents) from and against all liabilities, losses, damages, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) related to a third-party claim or proceeding arising out of: (i) the work the Graphic Designer has done under this Contract; (ii) a breach by the Graphic Designer of its obligations under this Contract; or (iii) a breach by the Graphic Designer of the promises it is making in Section 5 (Representations).

10.3 Graphic Designer Indemnity. In this Contract, the Client agrees to indemnify the Graphic Designer (and its affiliates and their directors, officers, employees, and agents) from and against liabilities, losses, damages, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) related to a third-party claim or proceeding arising out of a breach by the Client of its obligations under this Contract.


11.1 Assignment. This Contract applies only to the Client and the Graphic Designer. The Graphic Designer cannot assign its rights or delegate its obligations under this Contract to a third-party (other than by will or intestate), without first receiving the Client’s written permission. In contrast, the Client may assign its rights and delegate its obligations under this Contract without the Graphic Designer's permission. This is necessary in case, for example, another Client buys out the Client or if the Client decides to sell the work product that results from this Contract.

11.2 Arbitration. As the exclusive means of initiating adversarial proceedings to resolve any dispute arising under this Contract, a party may demand that the dispute be resolved by arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association in accordance with its commercial arbitration rules.

11.3 Modification; Waiver. To change anything in this Contract, the Client and the Graphic Designer must agree to that change in writing and sign a document showing their contract. Neither party can waive its rights under this Contract or release the other party from its obligations under this Contract, unless the waiving party acknowledges it is doing so in writing and signs a document that says so.

11.4 Notices.

(a) Over the course of this Contract, one party may need to send a notice to the other party. For the notice to be valid, it must be in writing and delivered in one of the following ways: personal delivery, email, or certified or registered mail (postage prepaid, return receipt requested). The notice must be delivered to the party’s address listed at the end of this Contract or to another address that the party has provided in writing as an appropriate address to receive notice.

(b) The timing of when a notice is received can be very important. To avoid confusion, a valid notice is considered received as follows: (i) if delivered personally, it is considered received immediately; (ii) if delivered by email, it is considered received upon acknowledgement of receipt; (iii) if delivered by registered or certified mail (postage prepaid, return receipt requested), it is considered received upon receipt as indicated by the date on the signed receipt. If a party refuses to accept notice or if notice cannot be delivered because of a change in address for which no notice was given, then it is considered received when the notice is rejected or unable to be delivered. If the notice is received after 5:00pm on a business day at the location specified in the address for that party, or on a day that is not a business day, then the notice is considered received at 9:00am on the next business day.

11.5 Severability. This section deals with what happens if a portion of the Contract is found to be unenforceable. If that’s the case, the unenforceable portion will be changed to the minimum extent necessary to make it enforceable, unless that change is not permitted by law, in which case the portion will be disregarded. If any portion of the Contract is changed or disregarded because it is unenforceable, the rest of the Contract is still enforceable.

11.6 Signatures. The Client and the Graphic Designer must sign this document using Bonsai’s e-signing system. These electronic signatures count as originals for all purposes.

11.7 Governing Law. The laws of the state of California govern the rights and obligations of the Client and the Graphic Designer under this Contract, without regard to conflict of law principles of that state.

11.8 Entire Contract. This Contract represents the parties’ final and complete understanding of this job and the subject matter discussed in this Contract. This Contract supersedes all other contracts (both written and oral) between the parties.